It’s that time of year again.
The magic of Thanksgiving and Christmas is long gone, and you’re left with the New Year.
For some, this could be a really promising time. A time for new beginnings, where you look forward to all the things you’re about to experience this year.
For others, it can be a little overwhelming. Especially if you are in the diet loop.
It doesn’t help that television and social media bombards you with ads for tummy teas, discounts on gym memberships, and meal plans sold by weight loss companies that basically promote eating disorders.

You may feel compelled to make your New Year’s resolutions all about weight and your body.
If this is you, know that the pressure you’re feeling from society isn’t in your head. It’s real and it’s everywhere, but it doesn’t have to be this way.
In fact, there are a lot of resolutions you can make for the New Year that focus on improving your life that have NOTHING to do with your weight.
Resolution #1: Being more present
Let’s face it- most of us spend our time staring at a screen.
When I’m at work, I’m looking at a computer screen. When I get home, I’m staring at the television or my phone to wind down.
Before I know it, I’ve spent an hour on Instagram watching pointless reels.
How can I complain about not having enough time with my family when I don’t even utilize the time I currently have properly?
Being more present in the world of technology takes conscious effort. This may look like setting time limits on your phone, or planning an activity for your family to do together.
But in my experience, I’ve never regretted spending quality time with my loved ones!
Resolution #2: Being more compassionate towards yourself
The things you say to yourself you would never dream of saying to someone else. So why do you say them?
Most of us are our harshest critics. We set such high expectations for ourselves. Sometimes, they can be a bit unrealistic.

Let’s make this year the year where we practice speaking to ourselves the way we speak to others: with compassion and understanding.
Of course, there will be times where we have to reflect on our actions. But instead of doing so with harsh criticism, maybe we can practice gentle curiosity.
Resolution #3: Shifting the focus of nutrition from weight to health
There are plenty of ways you can improve your health where weight loss/gain is not the main focal point.
For example, choosing to eat nutrient dense foods can improve your health, but does not necessarily have to impact your weight.
You may decide to pick a specific nutrient that you want to focus on this year, such as increasing your fiber intake or your calcium intake.
Or, you may decide to eat out less and eat at home more.
Maybe, you want to focus on increasing the amount of vegetables or fruits you eat this year.
Resolution #4: Improving overall wellness
This one goes hand in hand with resolution number 3, which is often why you hear the phrase “health and wellness”.
Many people are finding the importance of improving their mental health through counseling sessions, meditation and exercise.

Gyms in January are filled with people on new diets and weight loss goals, but that doesn’t mean they should be the only ones allowed in there.
After all, there are so many benefits to exercise outside of weight loss, such as mental clarity, improved bone density, and better mood.
Resolution #5: Reevaluating Your Spending Habits
You might be like me, with a crazy amount of college debt (all about that here).
Or, maybe it isn’t school loans but credit card debt or car debt that you want to really tackle this year.
A New Year’s resolution can be a great way to promise yourself to make necessary changes to help your money situation.

Being financially free will not only relieve your stress, but it can also set you up for peace in your future.
Knowing that you can get up and go anywhere in the world because you don’t have any bills to pay can be quite rewarding! Not that I know anything about that life…but I’m trying!
New Year can be a really daunting time to say no to dieting. At this time of the year, it can feel like everyone around you is on a diet.
So, I hope you enjoyed this list of New Year’s resolutions that have nothing to do with weight!
I also hope that this list has given you some inspiration to make a list of your own. Let’s make this new year full of resolutions that serve your higher purpose, instead of focusing on what you look like.
Further Research:
Since we’re on the topic of making New Year’s resolutions that have nothing to do with weight, you may be interested in learning more about Intuitive Eating! This blog post here would be a great place to start!
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics also published a really great article for resolutions you can make with your family. You can find that here!
What is one thing that happened last year that made your year?
What are your resolutions for the New Year?
What are you looking forward to this year?
Let me know in the comments below!