Asia is home to a ton of fruits that we in the United States aren’t used to seeing. Here is a list of some of the most popular fruits unique to Asia!
- Asian Pear
One of my personal favorites, the Asian pear looks and feels like an apple, but tastes more similar to a pear. Asian pears are really popular in East Asia, particularly Japan, China and South Korea. Depending on where you’re getting it will determine what it is called. For example, if you get an Asian pear from China, it’s called a Chinese pear. But, if you get an Asian pear from Korea, it’s called a Korean pear.
You can find them at HMart, which is a Korean supermarket we have here in the United States.
- Banana

Bananas are the most common fruit eaten in the world, but there are a lot of different varieties that can be found in Asia. In America, the most common banana variety you can find in your local market are the Cavendish banana. In India, bananas come in red and pink colors. Bananas also come in different sizes depending on the region you are located in, and can range from teeny tiny to huge!
- Breadfruit

Breadfruit is a little bit more subtle than some of the other fruits on this list, and gets its name from its taste. When breadfruit is cooked, it has a very similar taste to bread! You can use breadfruit in more savory dishes, such as sautés!
- Buddha’s Hand
Buddha’s hand is a super unique fruit that gets its name from the fruit’s finger-like projections. This fruit has a sweet flavor and tastes slightly florally, kind of like a lemon but without the bitter taste and sour notes.
- Chinese Bayberry
Chinese bayberries are a cross between a cherry and a strawberry. They can have a slightly sour taste depending on which one you get. I enjoy snacking on these just as they are. Just remember to spit the seed in the middle out!
- Coconut

Coconuts are a tropical fruit popular everywhere for their unique flavor and incredible versatility. Some enjoy taking it straight of palm trees and cracking one open and drinking the coconut juice, while others like to eat the meat. I love to use coconut oil for cooking because it is chock full of good saturated fat (see more on the health benefits of coconut oil here).
- Dates

Dates are small, brown, and chewy with a pit inside. They are great in smoothies when you want to naturally sweeten your beverage, but they can also be eaten as a snack with peanut butter. I ate a ton of dates when I was pregnant due to its ability to naturally ripen the cervix!
- Dragon Fruit (pitaya)

Pitaya, otherwise known by its common name dragon fruit, is pink and green on the outside with a white and black flesh inside. Depending on where in Asia you are located, dragon fruit can also have a yellow exterior, or a red interior. The taste is very mild and soft, comparable to a melon or kiwi.
- Durian

Durian is dubbed as the king of fruits and is a super controversial-you either love it or absolutely hate it, and there is no in-between. This fruit has a spiky exterior and a soft, yellow flesh. Some varieties of durian also have red interiors. People have described durian as having a strong odor similar to onions, while others have said the flavor is quite mild and buttery compared to the fragrance the fruit gives off. My grandma used to eat it frozen like ice cream!
- Figs

Figs are another Asian fruit that is super popular in the United States! Figs have purple or pink skin, and soft and sticky on the inside. A lot of people like to eat figs raw or with a salad, as well as dried to help with digestion.
- Goji Berries
Goji berries are also known as wolfberries and are native to China. They are small and bright red, very similar to cranberries. Widely regarded as a superfood, goji berries are usually dried and used in savory dishes such as soups and congee.
- Guava
Guavas thrive in a tropical climate and their exteriors turn yellow, green or red when they are ripe depending on the variety. Inside, their colors can range from an eggshell color to a deeper pink color. Guavas also have seeds, and certain varieties can have harder seeds than others. They’re edible, but I personally like to eat my guava fresh with the seeds scooped out or blended as a juice. In some Asian countries, people like to eat guava with salt.

- Hawthorn Berries
Hawthorn berries kind of resemble cranberries and goji berries and are commonly used in dietary supplements because of their potential positive effects on blood pressure and cholesterol.
- Jackfruit

The jackfruit is a big boy, and can weigh up to 100 pounds! Jackfruit is green on the outside and has little pockets of yellow flesh on the inside that you can harvest after cutting the fruit in half. People who practice a vegan diet have gotten really creative, and have been able to shred the flesh and make jackfruit pulled pork. I never tried it, but I’ve heard great things!
- Kiwi Fruit

Normally when you think of kiwis, you may not think of Asia. But, the kiwi is actually native to China, and China is the second largest producer of kiwis!
Kiwis have a furry brown exterior and a soft, green interior with edible seeds inside. A lot of people choose to peel their kiwis, but the skin is edible!
- Kumquat

The kumquat is a citrus fruit native to Southeast Asia that looks like an orange in the shape of a grape. The peel of a kumquat is sweet, but the inside is quite sour. I personally think the best way to enjoy this fruit is by making it into a jam or marmalade, but it’s also great in alcoholic beverages!
- Langsat

Langsats look like small potatoes on the outside, but off white on the inside. The interior looks very similar to a longan, but you’re able to pull off the pieces like a tangerine. Langsats are a super sweet fruit because of their high content of fructose, sucrose and glucose.
- Longan

The word “longan” means dragon eye in Chinese, which we use to describe the hard black seed in the center of the small fruit. Longans are super fragrant and have a hard brown shell that kind of feels like sandpaper. This makes it super easy to peel and pop into your mouth for a refreshing treat. Longans are also used in a lot of Asian desserts, such as Snow Fungus Dessert Soup.
- Loquat
Loquats resemble small, furry lemons and are slightly tart in flavor. In some regions, loquats are pickled to make a tangy preservative.
- Lotus

The lotus root is really common in China, Japan and India and can be used fresh, canned, boiled, or frozen! In South Asia, they use lotus almost like a root vegetable to complement their curries. My family likes to use lotus root in soups and banquet dishes.
- Lychee

Lychees are native to southern China and are often confused with longans because they are both small, have a strong perfume-like aroma, and need to be peeled to expose the edible flesh. However, the difference is that lychees are red on the outside. A lot of people like to incorporate lychees into desserts like ice cream!
- Mango

Mangos may be one of the most popular and beloved Asian fruits on this list, and for good reason. The mango has so many health benefits, such as being high in fiber and vitamin C. Mangos are also common outside of Asia, such as in countries in South America.
- Mangosteen

Mangosteens are purple on the outside and white on the inside. Their interiors kind of resemble an orange, where you have to bite through the fibrous outer skin to get to the juice inside.
- Meyer Lemon

Meyer lemons are one of my favorite citrus fruits. They are typically smaller than a regular lemon, and have a much more mild flavor. There is less acidity in a Meyer lemon, making it perfect to use in a lemon bar or pie.
- Noni
Nonis kind of look like frogs because they are green in color and have a bumpy exterior. The juice of the noni fruit is said to be really beneficial because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Papaya

Papayas are cylindrical shaped, and orange when ripe. The inside will also have an orange-red hue, with black seeds in the center. Ripe papayas feel similar to ripe avocados, but taste closer to a buttery cantaloupe.
- Passion fruit (Maracuja)

Passion fruit, also known as maracuja, is a type of berry that is round or oval. When a passion fruit has ripened, the exterior will be either yellow or purple depending on the variety. Inside, you’ll find the best part, which is a seedy pulp that has a strong aroma. Passion fruit juice is really popular, but you can also use the flesh for other dishes like salad dressings and smoothies.
- Persimmon

Persimmons, which are actually Japan’s national fruit, are orange on the inside and outside, and have a smooth and shiny skin. I love this fruit in particular because of its mild and slightly cinnamon flavor.
- Pomelo

Pomelos belong to the citrus family and are large and yellow. The inside of a pomelo resembles a grapefruit, but the fruit flesh can also be white. It tastes similar to a grapefruit as well, but much less bitter.
- Pulasan
The pulasan is very similar in appearance to a rambutan. Both are small, spherical, and red. However, the pulasan’s shell is a little bit thicker, and the hair on the fruit is much less pronounced compared to the rambutan. The white flesh inside is also a bit sweeter and less sour than a rambutan.
- Rambutan

This fruit is really popular in Asian countries like Malaysia and Indonesia and the name “rambut” translates to “hair” to describe the hairy appearance of the fruit. Rambutans are either yellow, orange or red in color and have a white interior that is sweet.
- Rose Apple
Rose apples are native to Malaysia and get their name from the fragrant floral water their succulent flesh gives off.
- Santol
Santols are popular in the Philippines and the name translates to “cotton fruit” in English. Santols taste similar to a sour apple, and have slight savory undertones.
- Sapodilla

Sapodillas are popular in countries with tropical regions like Bangladesh, India, Thailand, Cambodia and Indonesia. Sapodillas have a tan color on the outside, similar to a potato, and an orange interior with black seeds. It tastes similar to a pear.
- Snake Fruit (Salak)
Snake fruit gets its name from its scaly reddish colored skin. The inside of the fruit is white with three parts, and each one contains a seed in the middle that you throw out. Snake fruit looks like a fig with a pointy tip, and you can pinch the tip to peel the skin off. Snake fruit tastes like a cross between a pineapple and a banana.
- Soursop (Sirsak)

Soursops are oval with a prickly, green exterior and a white, fleshy interior. They taste similar to an apple.
- Sugar Apple (Sweetsop)
Sugar apples are popular in the Philippines and kind of resemble a chunky knit blanket. The exterior is green or sometimes yellow, and the interior is a white with a sort of velvety texture. Sugar apples taste really creamy like a banana, so I would use this in some kind of custard or pudding.
- Star Apple
Star apples get their name from the star pattern that appears in the middle when you cut the fruit open. The star apple can come in purple, brown or yellow varieties and taste like a cross between a grape and a persimmon.
- Starfruit (Carambola)

Starfruit also gets its name from the unique shape of the fruit that makes it resemble a star. Starfruit is really popular in Malaysia, and people enjoy eating it as a fresh fruit with a touch of salt. I’ve also seen it used in relishes.
- Tamarillo
Tamarillos look like tomatoes with a red exterior and reddish orange interior. There are a lot of seeds in a tamarillo, and the taste is similar to a guava. There aren’t many people who eat tamarillos raw because of their tartness. However, it goes really well with proteins, such as chicken and fish.
- Tamarind
Tamarinds look like big, brown string beans with raisins inside. Because tamarinds aren’t really juicy, this fruit is mostly used for medicinal purposes.
- Watermelon

Watermelon is one of the more common fruits on this list, as it is really popular in Asia as well as the United States! We know watermelon as having a green striped exterior and red interior, but watermelons actually can come in other varieties too, such as orange, yellow and white colors.
- Wax Apple
Wax apples come in a variety of different colors, such as green, purple and red. And even though it is called a wax apple, the taste is actually closer to a pear.
- Wood Apple
The exterior of a wood apple looks like a coconut, and the inside looks like pulled pork. This fruit is really popular in the West Indies, but it definitely is not for the faint of heart so take caution if it’s your first time. Just like how people are torn about durian, people are also torn about the wood apple. But once you get past the smell, the flavor is much more mild!
- Yuzu
Yuzu is a cross between a lemon and an orange, and is a great addition to stir fry dishes and meat marinades.
I hope you liked this extensive list of all the most exotic fruits of Asia!
Now I want to hear from you!
Have you tried any of these before?
Which one was your favorite?
Let me know by leaving me a comment down below!